- Install the shaft assembly into the intake manifold.
- Position the shaft seal into the correct location.
- Install the runner shaft bolts to intake manifold.
Tighten the runner shaft-to-intake manifold bolts
6 cylinder to 2 N·m (18 lb in).
- Install the runner shaft linkage to intake manifold
Tighten the intake runner shaft linkage-to-intake
manifold 6 cylinder to 4.4 N·m (39 lb in).
- If top cover gasket is damaged, the top cover assembly
is replaced.
- Install the sleeve seals to intake manifold top cover.
- Apply the Loctite® 242 to all top cover to manifold
- Install the top cover into position and tighten the outer intake manifold
Tighten the intake manifold top cover-to-manifold
bolts L81 to 4 N·m (35 lb in).
- Install the inner manifold to top cover bolts.
Tighten the inner intake manifold to top cover bolts
to 4.4 N·m (39 lb in).
- Install the outlet resonator duct assembly bracket
to intake manifold.
Tighten the outlet resonator duct assembly bracket-to-intake
manifold nuts 6 cylinder to 5 N·m (44 lb in).
- Install the outlet resonator duct assembly into position.
- Tighten the clamp at throttle body assembly.
- Position the outlet resonator duct assembly to support bracket and install
the bolts.
Tighten the outlet resonator/duct assembly-to-support
bracket bolts 6 cylinder to 10 N·m (89 lb in).
- Tighten the clamp at the air cleaner assembly.