GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only

Disassembly Procedure

    Object Number: 322014  Size: SH
  1. Remove the thrust support assembly. Refer to Steering Gear Worm Gear Adjuster Seal and Stub Shaft Bearing Replacement .
  2. Remove the stub shaft (1) and the valve assembly (2) from the thrust support assembly.
  3. If necessary, remove the stub shaft (1) from the valve assembly (2) in the following manner:
  4. 3.1. Tap the stub shaft (1) lightly on a wood block in order to loosen the shaft cap.
    3.2. Pull the shaft cap and the valve spool out from valve body (2) 6 mm (¼ inch).
    3.3. Disengage the stub shaft pin (3) from the hole in the valve spool (4).

    Object Number: 322015  Size: SH
  5. If the valve assembly needs repair, disassemble the valve in the following manner:
  6. 4.1. Simultaneously pull and rotate the valve spool (5) from the valve body (1).
    4.2. Remove the valve spool O-ring seal (4).
    4.3. Alternately remove the valve body teflon rings (2) and the O-ring seals (3).

Assembly Procedure

    Object Number: 322015  Size: SH
  1. If disassembled, reassemble the valve assembly in the following manner:
  2. 1.1. Install the valve spool O-ring seal (4) to the valve spool (5).
    1.2. Lubricate the valve spool (5) and O-ring seal (4) with power steering fluid.
    1.3. Simultaneously push and rotate the valve spool (5) into the valve body (1) until the hole in the valve spool for the stub shaft pin is accessible from the opposite end of the valve body (1).

    Object Number: 322016  Size: SH
  3. If necessary, install the stub shaft to the valve spool in the following manner:
  4. 2.1. Insert the stub shaft (3) into the valve spool.
    2.2. Insert the pin.
    2.3. The notch in the stub shaft cap (1) must fully engage the valve body pin (2). Seat the stub shaft cap against the valve body shoulder.
    2.4. Alternately install the O-ring seals and the teflon rings to the valve body.
    2.5. Lubricate the O-ring seals and the teflon rings with power steering fluid.

    Object Number: 322013  Size: SH
  5. Install the stub shaft (7) and valve assembly (6) to the worm shaft (5). Ensure the pin fits in the worm shaft to the slot in the valve assembly.
  6. Install the thrust support assembly. Refer to Steering Gear Worm Gear Adjuster Seal and Stub Shaft Bearing Replacement .
  7. Refer to Steering Gear Worm Gear Thrust Bearing Preload Adjustment - Off Vehicle to adjust the thrust bearing preload.
  8. Refer to Steering Gear Pitman Shaft Over-Center Preload Adjustment - Off Vehicle to adjust the pitman shaft over-center sector.