Diagnostic Instructions
Circuit/System Description
The body control module (BCM) sends a serial data message to the instrument panel cluster (IPC) requesting low tire pressure indicator illumination.
Conditions for Running the DTC
Important: It is recommend that Component Testing is performed before Circuit Testing when diagnosing.
- With the scan tool, select instrument panel special functions Lamp Test. Command the instrument panel warning lamps OFF.
⇒ | If the tire pressure monitor (TPM) warning lamp does not turn OFF, replace the IPC. |
- With the TPM special tool, transmit simulated tire pressures to the BCM. Observe the tire pressures in the scan tool data display.
⇒ | If the TPM simulated tire pressure is not within +/- 4 psi of the scan tool reading, replace the BCM. |
Component Testing
- Inspect the tires for proper inflation pressure.
- Using the TPM special tool, activate each tire pressure sensor and record each sensors tire pressure reading in psi. Check tire pressures with a known accurate hand held tire pressure gauge and compare the psi reading to the display on the TPM special
⇒ | If the TPM special tool displays a difference of 4 psi or more lower than actual tire pressure, replace the suspect tire pressure sensor. |
⇒ | If actual and displayed tire pressure readings are normal, go to Circuit/System Testing. |
Repair Instructions
Perform the
Diagnostic Repair Verification
after completing the diagnostic procedure.